Wednesday, October 28, 2020

DES 431 blog post #4

 Here's some of the drawings I've done up for the ivote project:

French revolution: birth of revolutions, what leads to them.
Top left being images of a hammer and sickle, which lead into the "Sad worker in the Moon" image. The bottom images are made to look like bread slices, but I haven't pushed those drawings.

women's rights/health: mix of voting rights in here, but also health issues, like a lack of free tampons/pads in schools and businesses, or that women are infantilized with their beliefs, thoughts and feelings sidelined.
Chatelaine styled broach, the main chain is pictured to the left, with the trinkets on the right and bottom. Trinkets are various "feminine " products that people would tend to associate with women, or have been historically included on chatelaines. The unexpected item throwing it off being a knife, although I thought possibly of using a handgun for a more drastic visual. Either etched or a 3D model casting.

Top image is an idea for a 3d printed map of the US with "swing state" jutting forward, forcing the map to be (likely) heavier than the article of clothing it's on, which it why the back will be reinforced with chains to pin it to clothing.
the middle images are various broach styles that would use etching and enameling. One of force feeding a woman in jail, one of a woman's head in a lock box, the other of a cat atop the suffragettes tri-color. Possibly ornate frames for all?
The bottom image is a cardigan/collar clips.

    voting/electoral college- voting in contemporary times, with heavy emphasis on the electoral college system and the national popular vote.
    Top left image is USA map, words "YOUR VOTE ... MATTER" very clear, and "DOESNT" eroaded some.
    Top right image are two superimposed on each other. Bottom one being that iconic "Vote or Die" campaign with a cross out sign over it, then the words "GAME OVER" atop it all. All should be legible to some sort
    Bottom right is an basic text, possibly etched on sheet, which I would then solder to an ornate frame possibly cast.