Saturday, November 28, 2020

DES 431 blog post # 12

 For the choose your own project I've decided to make a belt buckle, in a previous semester we made some for an enameling project, and that got me interested in the designs associated with belt buckles but I hadn't gone back to try my hand at any. Alas, a perfect moment to really dig in and try. Here's a link to my pinterest that has references to the kind of designs I'm pulling inspiration from:

My drawings thus far is included to the side of this, which is very bland and basic thus far, I know. I should really be better at drawing things out, but it always felt easier to just tinker around and getting ideas out 3D. 

Here's what I have done thus far:




To the bottom right hand coner of the image are two metal squares, a smaller and larger one. One a sample, the other my tentative buckle frame. In this image I'm toying around with different stone setting ideas with the belt I plan to use. Also playing around with the idea of making a belt tip as well, but I figured I'd make sure I focus on getting the buckle made before getting too caught up in making the belt tip.